Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Cinthia: Thanksgiving

Hi Girls!

For Thanksgiving I celebrated with Justin's family. I went over to his house and they were putting up Christmas decorations. Well... this is what actually happened: Justin asked me if I wanted to help put the artificial tree together with him, so I started fluffing up the little branches making it look more full. Where was Justin? He got bored like two minutes in and started watching football!!! /sigh. I don't understand it. There was an interesting point in the game when a player on the other team got knocked down (tackled i guess) and got back up and made a touchdown. The Lions were confused as to whether or not they should tackle him again. Their coach (or someone) threw a flag to review the play. They said touchdowns automatically get reviewed, so the fact that he asked for a review canceled out the review altogether. VERY CONFUSING!! VERY INTERESTING! I have no idea what I'm talking about or if I even explained it right. Whatever.

We left for a restaurant at around 4. We met Justin's mothers side of the family there. It was a nice dinner, I enjoyed it. I had the Turkey dinner special, because duh, Its Thanksgiving. Justin had some kind of chicken pita -_- lol

After dinner we went back to his house and had dessert. then went Black Friday shopping. I didn't end up getting anything, I'm so dumb. Its all very overwhelming. Justin went to BestBuy after he dropped me off at home. He got me my Christmas present!! :) I know what it is, but not exactly what it is.

On Friday, his dads side of the family had a party, not their Thanksgiving party tho. It was just a get together party. It was nice. After that we went over to Natalie and Randy's house, some friends. They had a Thanksgiving potluck that we got there too late for. We played this crazy fun drinking game. You have to bounce a pong ball into an empty cup-- you know what? Its too much to explain lol. You girls will play someday when you visit okay?

Saturday I worked, and after, i don't remember what we did. Sunday we went to Justin's dads side of the family's Thanksgiving party. It was really nice. The food was so good! (I'm so hungry right now!!) His aunt came around after we all ate and gave everyone a hallow chocolate turkey. They each had a number on the bottom of them. There were Christmas gifts all around the room with numbers on them. Whichever number you got, you had to search for your gift. It was really cool. :) I got a mini Christmas tree with ornaments to put up in my apartment! It was all very fun. When we left, we went to go see Twilight. Yay!

So that was my Thanksgiving. It was a long weekend. On a brighter note Macy's is having their Friends and Family sale starting tomorrow. I really need snow boots. I have that $50 gift card that Justin's family got me for my birthday, so that will come in handy! :) I just need to find some that I like. :/ Wish me luck.


Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Cinthia: My Birthday (belated post)

Thinking I'm cute.

Okay here's my birthday post. I know its late, but my gifts just finished arriving today.

Cards first :) Cute huh?? 

Justin's family also gave me a Macy's gift card. Still haven't used it... idk what to get lol

 Halloween night I got a gift from Jess and Nick :) It was wrapped really cute with a pumpkin bag and tissue paper with little bats on it :)

Mmm this smells so good!! I haven't lit it yet. I just put it on my coffee table, and let it make my apartment smell pretty :P

Coffee mug and coffee. :D Someone knows the way to my heart! This mug is so huge, you cant tell from the pic, but omg!! So a big Thank You to Nick and Jess for these gifts :)

My Grandpa and Grandma sent me gifts from Amazon.com :)

This sauce pan!! :) I needed one really badly!! I actually needed two, so I bought one for myself too! I found it on clearance for $7.49 

See :) ^^

They also sent me these flannel sheets!! I really needed these too!! They are soooo nice!! 
Thank you Grandpa and Grandma!!!

Mom sent me this along with a beautiful card. Matches my kitchen!! I needed one!
Thanks mom!!!

 From my co-worker Tiff. She baked me brownies!! Mmm!!

Justin Bought me this North Face coat. Its super warm!! I love it!!
Thank you Justin!!

Got myself these boot covers. I love the fluffy ones better lol

They look cute right?? hehe

 And the biggest package of all!! lol From Irma and Adriana

The beautiful A.Reyes original art piece!!!! I love it soooo much!!!!

I f***ing love this soooooooooooo much!!!!!!!!!!! This is love!! 

I was about to buy some gloves like these!! Glad I didn't, these ones are cuter!! I'm wearing the socks right now and I cannot wait to wear the scarf out! :) 

Bridget Hoida LA

Cant wait to read this :) and I love that Its signed to me :) 

Los angeles So LA Bridget Hoida

Especially love the pin that came with it!! I will display it proudly!


And last but not least a candy care package :D hehe my friends know me so well heheh
So thank you Irma and Adriana!! I love you and I will not forget about you lol (from the box) 

 The day of my birthday Justin took me to the mall, and I bought some things :) then he took me to Fishbones, this restaurant I like. I had sushi!! Mmm!!! I had a very nice Birthday this year.
I wish I could have spent it with you girls. Last year was so fun :) I miss and love you girls. I'll see you soon hopefully.

P.s. Snow is coming soon. SoCal girl in the snow lol I'm such a trooper lol

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Cinthia: Halloween

So here's Halloween 2012...
I didn't take as many pictures as I meant to :(

As you know Sandy hit the east coast these last few days. Luckily we didn't get too much of it. I feel so bad for everyone out there. :( Pray/wish the best for them. 

This is a cool picture I thought but the story behind it is I walked out of my apartment, and there was this huge pile of leaves. The wind was so powerful the night before it blew it all up against the complex door. Someone must have made a little space to step out. It was crazy

My co-worker made me this candy apple. Its so cute :)

Justin bought a pumpkin for us to carve. I wanted to carve Hello Kitty onto it... but i didn't get my way this time :( 

Its a pretty good sized pumpkin

Here's us after I got off work. No makeup just BBcream. Damn stuff makes the flash reflect off my face. So here's a tip, If you want to camwhore, don't wear BBcream or makeup with SPF!!

This is what we decided on. 

Pretending like I'm doing something. 

Posing like a loser with the pumpkin. (dont look at my kitchen!! Its messy I know)

I can't take candid shots!! lol I always try too hard hahahhaha I usually stop what I'm doing and kinda freeze into a pose lol

Uh oh, Justin broke his head off!!!! /sigh pumpkin carving fail

Mourning the little guys head.

But now he kinda looks like a rocker guy with a side smirk smile lol So its alllllll goooooood!! 

Tried to put on false lashes fml. They were the same size as my regular lashes so whatever, I just took em off. lol Thank God I have long eyelashes, cuz idk what I'd do 

And heres the costume I ended up choosing!!! Its a sailor. 

Told everyone I was Sailor Moon lol 

Here's some people that came. I didn't even take many pictures... :/ 

Look how cute these cupcakes are!! Jess made them for mee :D They were purple inside!!!

Being a typical mexican lol 

I thought this can was kinda cool. Its really textured! I wasn't drinking that tho.

Decided to play Kings Cup!! THis was the first card pulled, and it was by me. 4's = Whores (girls) So I had to drink. fml lol

Ceiling decor

Theres the Kings Cup so full!!

Josh wins!! hahaha

Me and the picture I took of him hehe

There he is full costume! Lumber jack! 

Yes, that is a real axe lol

We were drinking Liquid Phantom!!! ahhhh

Here's my full costume. Idk what I was doing, I think I was trying to pose cute? lol

and here I am super drunk and ready for bed!!!

Justin is taking me out tonight for my birthday. so we'll see what happens. maybe i'll be able to post that tomorrow. :)