Friday, June 14, 2013

Kristina's Wedding

Here are some pictures From Kristina's wedding from May. Kristina is my co-worker/girlfriend/sista and the niece of my bosses. Everyone thinks she's my sister because they swear we look alike (far from the truth, she's gorgeous! Not even close people! but thanks for the compliment!) Okay here we go!
(disclaimer: the nice looking photos are by her photographer the shitty looking ones are obviously not)

First of all it looked gorgeous!!! I mean, look at it!!

Look at the place settings! I loved the idea of candles at the tables, they are so elegant!!! 

This is where the bridal party sat. 

Here are the cupcakes. Those pretty pearls hurt my jaw so i picked them off. But they were damn cute!

Okay so here's the bridal party (I hope I'm saying this right)  They are such goofballs!! I heard the photographer had a great time shooting them. :) 

Here she is with her mama (Angie) and dad. 
Everyone always confuses them for my mom and sister, i've gotten tired of correcting them so now I just go along with it. I say "oh yea yea my mom? she'll be here tomorrow." "my sister? yea she had fun on her honeymoon. Yea she's back already" -__-

Here's me and Tiff. My co-worker/Kristina's Aunt/Angie's sister-in-law

I said "Prom Pose!!" Look at the pretty decor!! omg!

Brad (co-worker), Tiff, and me! 
Juss dranken beeerr!

My handsome boyfriend! He looks so cute! I love this picture. 

Here's me and pretty from Instagram. Bad lighting... whatever!

Here's another of us with Tiff.  The wedding dress was like custom hand put b'dazzles. crazy pretty!


Awww and here's the beautiful couple!!! 
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gorney  
(I think I did that right) 