Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Yesterday: Worst day ever!

Yesterday morning I woke up to about 10 inches of snow on the ground. I figured I'd better leave a bit early so I can clean off my car and drive slowly.
My car was so bad! It was actually a workout to clean all the snow off. After I cleaned the car off, I dug a path out of my parking space to the main path, dug by other peoples cars, out of my lot. As I was pulling out of the lot I got stuck in the mouth of the driveway. :(

In like 2 feet of snow here! (maybe an exaggeration!)

Yea pretty scary :/ I was crying so bad. LOL This was the first time it snowed so much!!! 
 So needless to say, I was late for work. Some guy that was snow blowing the buildings sidewalk stopped to help me. He grabbed a shovel from the maintenance shed to help dig me out. :( I felt so dumb that I just had to say "I'm sorry, I'm from California!" hahaha 
After a long time I finally got free and gave him $20 for helping me out, It was all I had in my purse.

So I finally got to work and almost got stuck again because the lot hadn't been plowed yet. -__-
My first table of the day at work was a really shady couple and I had a feeling they weren't going to tip, and I was right!! It wasn't anything I had done either, I took perfect care of them. way to set the pace people!! It was a very slow day! Then after work I was leaving and I started my car to warm it up, then grabbed the tool to clean off my car of snow. I closed the door, wiped off the car, went back around to my driver side door,......LOCKED!!!!!! I ran back inside and asked the owner to call Justin's dad because they used to rent out their other building to him. I got the number and called him and asked him to call Justin to come bring my spare key. I had locked my phone in the car too. Ugh what a bimbo! :( 

Here is yesterdays weather.

Here is how high the snow was! 

Here is is compared to my height!

And here I am Bundled up! This thick infinity scarf is perfect!!!

This is the metal detailing on the door just completely frozen over!!

So yea yesterday was just horrible. Its funny looking back on it, but at the moment, it wasn't so funny. :) 

okie byee


Hullo!! (listening to One Direction-Midnight Memories as I write this :D love it!! )

This post is so late because I had lost my camera, but I just found it!!! :D So happy! Okay here we go:

Christmas Morning I woke up super early and went straight to Justins house to open gifts:

There are Justin and his brothers and sister (that you cant really see) opening their stocking gifts.

Idk why I didn't take more pictures :( but there is my gift!!! Justin said a Tablet was out of the price range and he couldn't afford it so I totally didn't expect to get it! 

YAyyy!! hehe 
Again idk why i didn't take more pics :/ 
Then I went home to get ready for the rest of the day.

Our Christmas portrait that this cat isn't too happy about. lol 

My cat really loves giving kisses though. lol 

He's holding onto the camera strap lol

Justin!! :) I'm closer tot he camera than he is lol that's why I look so big! 
ok That's all the xmas pics. 

Here is New year:

Friday, January 3, 2014

My 2014 plans/resolutions

Happy new year 2014

I've never been the type to set resolutions for myself, but I really want to this year. I also want them in a place that I know they wont get lost or forgotten. I hope to do them all, but who knows, maybe I'll come back in December and just laugh at myself. 

I'm not the most organized person. I'm not the neatest person. To be honest, people that are so neat and have it all together and organized make me sick! Its like @#$! you! I can't even keep my thoughts organized! I've been looking through Pinterest and I've found so many cool ideas! For one, I'm getting a Vanity desk with mirror that will house all my makeup and hair stuff. Justin has a desk that him and his dad are repainting and maybe distressing depending on what style I decide on.

I found this one and Its my inspiration. I love the long mirrors and I think white looks nicest (minus the marble lol) 

RESOLUTION 2: Be more confident
I really need to remember this! I think sometimes you just need to look yourself in the mirror and say "you are beautiful/cute/sexy/looking good" Don't look at that out of place hair, or those fine lines around your eyes. Look into your eyes and see that you need love and no one else will love you unless you love yourself! Nobody is going to say you look confident unless you feel it. Did you know, that unconsciously, our eyes tell how we truly feel? If you look someone in the eye and say "you look beautiful today!" and they keep eye contact with you, they believe it. If they avert their eyes, they don't believe you. I try and think back, and I think I always avert my eyes, but no more! I will look them in the eye and say Thank you!

RESOLUTION 3: Stop worrying about what other people think.
I really hate when people try and tell me whats best for me. They say "you should be doing this" or "you need to do that!" Well screw you! I need to start being proud of what I've accomplished. I'm sick of people putting me down! I know what is right for me. They know nothing about my life, or my mind, or anything else to do with me. I'm told ,by pretty much strangers, that I should be in school, that I should find a new job. Well I know that. I don't think they are trying to annoy me, I think they assume they are helping me. And Its always the same question, What are you going to do [with your life]? Well I just don't know yet, but I kinda want to write. I'm not very good, actually I'm pretty horrible, but I like expressing myself through writing. Which brings me to my next resolution...

RESOLUTION 4: Write more/Do what makes you happy
I really plan on writing here on my blog way more often so I can have something to look back on. I like the idea of having a log of what was going on during such and such year/month. Maybe some day I can look back and think "I really grew as a writer since then" or "hahaha I cant believe I wanted to be a witer". I just don't know, but nobody knows the future, so there.
About doing what makes me happy, who shouldn't have this resolution? If you want that cupcake, eat the damn cupcake!! If you want that flat tummy, do those damn sit ups! That's what I mean when I say "DO" what makes you happy. Something you want that's a bit pricey? SAVE!! You want to lose wight? DIET AND EXERCISE! If you want something done that will make you happy, do it, because you're the only one holding yourself back from happiness. As for me, I'm eating that damn cupcake right now! 

RESOLUTION 5: Keep my relationship strong.
Serious date night once a month. I'm talking opening doors (car and all), dinner AND a movie, holding hands, flirting, little kisses and maybe if the date goes well..... you know. 
Another thing, making out. What ever happened to making out for like.. ever! Its kind of a silly thing, but just grab your man and start a PG13 makeuot session. 

If I have more, I'll add them. I did have this idea of trying a new thing once a month. I'll think about that more. (lost my camera end of last month... I'm really sad because I had stuff to blog about in there)
