My car was so bad! It was actually a workout to clean all the snow off. After I cleaned the car off, I dug a path out of my parking space to the main path, dug by other peoples cars, out of my lot. As I was pulling out of the lot I got stuck in the mouth of the driveway. :(
In like 2 feet of snow here! (maybe an exaggeration!)
Yea pretty scary :/ I was crying so bad. LOL This was the first time it snowed so much!!!
So needless to say, I was late for work. Some guy that was snow blowing the buildings sidewalk stopped to help me. He grabbed a shovel from the maintenance shed to help dig me out. :( I felt so dumb that I just had to say "I'm sorry, I'm from California!" hahaha
After a long time I finally got free and gave him $20 for helping me out, It was all I had in my purse.
So I finally got to work and almost got stuck again because the lot hadn't been plowed yet. -__-
My first table of the day at work was a really shady couple and I had a feeling they weren't going to tip, and I was right!! It wasn't anything I had done either, I took perfect care of them. way to set the pace people!! It was a very slow day! Then after work I was leaving and I started my car to warm it up, then grabbed the tool to clean off my car of snow. I closed the door, wiped off the car, went back around to my driver side door,......LOCKED!!!!!! I ran back inside and asked the owner to call Justin's dad because they used to rent out their other building to him. I got the number and called him and asked him to call Justin to come bring my spare key. I had locked my phone in the car too. Ugh what a bimbo! :(
Here is yesterdays weather.
Here is how high the snow was!
Here is is compared to my height!
And here I am Bundled up! This thick infinity scarf is perfect!!!
This is the metal detailing on the door just completely frozen over!!
So yea yesterday was just horrible. Its funny looking back on it, but at the moment, it wasn't so funny. :)
okie byee